Cat and Dog Boarding at Its Finest
If you’ve ever felt guilty about using a cat or dog boarding kennel or taking advantage of dog daycare services while you go to work or on vacation, then you haven’t visited Apopka’s luxury pet resort on Rock Springs Road, The Pet Resort of Apopka. Three years of meticulous planning and construction means you immediately feel a sense of calm and beauty as you arrive at this beautifully landscaped property.
Are you unsatisfied with your pet’s current boarding facility? Do they no longer offer boarding or day boarding? Don’t be left without a place for your pet to stay! We’re here to offer guilt-free, vacation-style boarding at our premier resort.
Call (407) 884-8924 to schedule a reservation!
To Prevent the Spread of Canine Flu
Canine influenza (CIV) is a highly contagious virus that can spread quickly among dogs in close quarters. To prevent the spread of infection, all boarders MUST receive the bivalent influenza vaccine in order to board. This vaccine covers BOTH strains (H3N2 and H3N8) of influenza. The first shot will require a booster in 3 weeks. Thereafter, it is required on an annual basis. We have the vaccine available and have also taken steps to procure an abundant supply.
Please call as soon as possible to request an appointment. Dogs may be silent carriers and in the most infectious period may not show signs of infection. The virus can also be carried on clothing.
If you have a coughing dog please alert our receptionist ahead of time so your pet can be isolated. Quarantine is 21 days. All testing can be done with results back in about 4 days.
Canine influenza virus is highly contagious, so be sure to have your pet vaccinated as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact us right away.
Please pass this message on to any dog owner.
Our Cat and Dog Boarding Accommodations
With six acres to play or go for a nature walk, plus a swimming pool, our cat and dog boarding facility is the ultimate in luxury and comfort. We also provide state-of-the-art kenneling that incorporates raised flooring. Plus, each bedroom area has its own private patio, so you can be sure that your pet is very secure and comfortable. In addition, the recreational areas and activities will challenge your pet’s mind and body, as well as banish any holiday blues. Chances are you will think he may have a better vacation than you, and you may find he is reluctant to go home after making new vacation friends.
Both daycare and doggy vacationers will enjoy the 35 x 24 foot pool that slopes gently from both ends to a maximum depth of 3’ 6”. Think “Club Lab” and that pretty much sums it up.
Drop Off Your Dog for Dog Daycare
Need dog daycare? Very reasonable rates ensure that you will want to take advantage of this doggy sanctuary.
Go to work and know your couch and shoes are safe for the day. Early drop-off times and late pick-up allow most workers to make this a feasible and convenient option. If you have always wanted to be able to let your dogs run through the woods without being on a leash, but not become part of a free-for-all that so often happens at unsupervised public parks, then call us at (407) 884-8924 to take a tour.
Bring Fido along and you will soon forget your problems as you stroll through the amazing grounds that still retain a very natural look. And best of all, your pet will probably come home and sleep the rest of the day and night.
Please give us a call and we will be happy to give your pet a great vacation.