Client InformationName* First Last Phone*Patient InformationPatient Name* SpeciesCanineFelineBreed Weight What type of grooming procedure is being done today?*Are there any specific problems to address/be aware of or procedures to be performed during the grooming?*I understand that a current rabies and distemper (and Bordetella for dogs) are required upon admission into Pet Care Center of Apopka.* I understand I also understand that a current (within a calendar year) heartworm test and stool check for intestinal parasites must also be up to date.* I understand Is the pet UTD on required vaccines and annual exam?*I understand that in the event fleas are noted on my pet, Pet Care Center of Apopka will treat with appropriate parasite control medication while my pet is in the hospital, and I will be charged for the medication.* I understand Today's contact number for when pet is ready for pick-up*EMERGENCIES: If the need for emergency care arises, I give my permission for such care to be administered as deemed necessary by the on-duty veterinarian at Pet Care Center of Apopka.* I DO give permission I DO NOT give permission Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Signature* PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.